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Origin Live Onyx Mk5 9" ToneArm 

The Origin Live Onyx gives you supreme value with a performance which exceeds many £3000 arms. With its superior low friction gimbal bearings, you will expect to hear greater transparency and seperation in the sound, giving you a clear defined mid-range. You’ll hear contrast and detail between instruments and vocals giving you an immediate, coherent sound.

Sonically, it marks a significant step up from most standard tonearms on sale. It comfortably outperforms the original Origin Live Silver MK1, which was thought to be one of the best arms on sale at its release. Indeed, it still outperforms many arms in the £3,000 region.

The Onyx was designed as an affordable performance benchmark – a tonearm that would flatter any budget or mid-price turntable and still be happy on a high-end deck. The Onyx was only possible thanks to Origin Live’s decades of tonearm design expertise. It’s difficult to design a great high-end arm, but harder still to do a brilliant budget product. Knowing where to spend the money in the overall design is why Onyx sounds so good, and that knowledge doesn’t come easy.

(cartridge not included)


The Onyx design philosophy – and many parts – come from the legendary Silver tonearm:

Single-piece arm tube made from high-grade aircraft alloy
Robust, highly specified bearings, housed in an advanced decoupled yoke
High grade Internal Litz wiring with standard external cable and RCA plugs
Integral VTA adjustment
Fits all Rega armboard cutouts – old style threaded base or new 3-point mounting

N.B. Cartridge not included.



Origin Live Onyx MK5 ToneArm

From £7.82 per month

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